The 12 books in 12 months challenge

An honest account why I’m taking this (albeit slightly modified) challenge

Joy - Print goes here
3 min readApr 18, 2024

*There are affiliate links in this story, if you purchase something from that link I may get a commission but it won’t cost you more.

Last week in the Minimalist Hustler Headquarters Skool Community we were chatting about an article by J.R. HEIMBIGNER with a challenge to publish 12 books in 12 months.

The article (linked below) goes into good detail about what you will need to realistically do to make this work, including prep work.

I was um-ing and ah-ing whether I should give it a go. Having two small kids really makes challenges like this hard, but having no plan makes it even harder.

Then, in the same community, Jamie Northrup - Minimalist Hustler did a quick giveaway of a book by Michelle Kulp called 28 Books to $100K. I didn’t win, but I was about to head out on a camping trip so purchased the ebook to read on the drive out.

