I’m testing ConvertKit vs Substack

In a year-long challenge

Joy - Print goes here
2 min readAug 1, 2024
Photo by Yannik Mika on Unsplash

I’ve been thinking about doing a ConvertKit vs Substack test with my new newsletter (launching next week!).

I’ve used both in the past for other newsletters, I’m currently running my hyperlocal newsletter and my art and writing newsletter from Substack, but I really don’t know out of the two which would be better for my upcoming newsletter. They both have too many pros that the other doesn’t have:

ConvertKit has recommendations that can gain you subscribers and make you money, it also has Sequences and Snippets which are really useful.

Substack is free to use no matter how many subscribers you have, it also has a great social community right within the app with Notes and Chat.

The decision was too hard, so I thought why not both?

I will run them both side-by-side for the next year and see which gets the most traction, or if they both rise to the occasion.

My plan is to refer Medium subscribers, and ConvertKit recommendations to the ConvertKit newsletter, while subscribers from Substack Notes and Substack recommendations will receive the Substack newsletter. After I’ve set everything up I will try to utilise Substack Chat too.

