Facebook is perfect for local newsletters

Utalising groups can make the difference

Joy - Print goes here
2 min readJun 12, 2024

This story is part of a series I’m writing on local newsletters. You can find all the stories I’ve written on this topic in my Local Newsletter list:

Local Newsletters

13 stories
Eggs with funny faces drawn on them.

Let’s face it, Facebook is a bit of a dinosaur. It’s almost 20 years old since it opened up to the wider world, and in Internet terms it’s like that family member that stays too long after Sunday dinner.

And we hear almost every year it’s dying.

  • Young people don’t use it. Facebook is dying.
  • The algorithm stops your posts from being seen without paying. Facebook is dying.
  • They’ve merged the business tools with Instagram. Facebook is dying.
  • A new social media has come out that’s all the rage. Facebook is dying.
  • They’ve changed their terms and privacy. Facebook is dying.
  • It’s all bot accounts now. Facebook is dying.

